Changing track,

elevating success


The Junction, a well respected children and young peoples’ mental health charity, embarked on a strategic brand evolution. Our deliverables included developing a strong brand narrative, more reflective brand assets, and providing consultancy. This project transformed The Junction’s brand presence, ensuring a clearer, more impactful connection with their audience and stakeholders.

The Junction, with a history of over 30 years, faced the challenge of enhancing their brand to increase non-restrictive funds and increase business community recognition, despite their notable success.

To develop a brand narrative that emotionally resonates and is clear to the audience, increase brand consistency and professionalism, and expand the charity’s recognition in the business sector.

The Junction’s existing brand message was perceived as ‘clever over clear,’ lacking emotional engagement. Additionally, inconsistent brand guidelines due to limited marketing expertise within the staff led to a disjointed brand appearance. Assets which had been created, were not a true reflection of their diverse service users.

We began by completing detailed desk research focusing on language psychology and emotional connection, which informed the development of a new, impactful strapline for The Junction. We also created fresh, more inclusive characters for The Junction to use within their brand communications.

The introduction of the new strapline and brand assets, tailored for social media and reflecting service user diversity, resulted in a clearer understanding of The Junction’s mission and services. This project not only addressed the initial challenges but also positioned The Junction for greater recognition and effectiveness.

“Early work with Vove has been around identifying key challenges with current marketing approaches, including knowledge of audiences, who is accessing what information and how to better frame messages on different platforms to engage better with core groups we hope to reach. Their approach to engagement with our team has helped to change behaviours around our social media and marketing practice, as they have worked with the team to understand our needs and values and develop a strategy that works both in relation to impact and our ethics as an organisation. We are now better able to deliver clear messaging to different audiences and change systems around branding and marketing from something we serve to something that enables our beneficiaries to access support more easily and greater stakeholder engagement.”

Beth major, chief executive at the junction foundation

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